Our main philosophy is always "do no harm".
We are non-invasive and will never advise you to partake in anything without first obtaining your Vet's consent.
About us:
From a lifelong passion for animals and more recently a revelation in her own health and winning against Lyme disease, Wendie has committed herself to sharing her energy, skills, education, knowledge and experiences to give animals solutions to maintaining a happy healthy life.
Wendie offers help with nutrition, testing for deficiencies, allergies, autoimmune issues, parasites and more through applied kinesiology. Wendie is a certified Naturopath; Board Certified through BANHS as a Universally Certified Light Therapist for pets, people and equines; Certified Kinesiology Taper for Equines; a retired Certified Master Groomer (pets) and a canine skin and coat expert.
Although solely focused on animals, Wendie empowers her clients' humans by teaching them simple muscle testing techniques and is planning workshops in the future.
Appointments are available in person throughout the Island of Ireland or remotely around the world.
PLEASE NOTE: Wendie offers complementary health options which are not to take the place of a veterinarian. Wendie does not diagnose nor treat but is happy to work alongside your vet to maintain your animals' wellbeing. Many clients are referred by their veterinarian to support other protocols.

Wendie with her dogs; a Standard
Poodle, Elizabeth & a Sealyham Terrier,

Wendie with William (RIP),
the "iam" of Finnessiam

Wendie was recognised as a finalist in the "Pioneer of Excellence" category of the Women in Business Awards by AVCC in 2023
The award is for the entrepreneur who is a true trendsetter. She has recognized a new market, product, service, technological advancement, or opportunity and led the way. She has demonstrated outstanding leadership within her company and her market and she has set standards for originality, quality, and successful management.